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Learn how to set up your cameras and create your first skouting, we will guide you step by step to extract the maximum value from your videos.

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Step 1: Setting up Your Configuration.

Open Skouting Creator and go to the settings section in the upper left corner.

Skouting creator

Step 2: Connect Your Camera.

In the connections tab, click on "Add device" and select the "Camera" option.

scouting creator

Step 3: Choose Your Camera Type.

Indicate if it is IP or USB. You can add up to 4 cameras by repeating steps 2 and 3.

escauting creator

Step 4: Add Cameras.

Select the camera from the list and press "Add". Repeat this step for each additional camera (up to a maximum of 4).

video analisis

Ready to get started?

Step up your game with Skouting Sports analysis is just a click away.

Step 5: Start a New Project.

In the upper right corner, click on "New".

video analisys

Step 6: Your Video Details.

Assign a name to your video, write a description, and define the number of cameras you will use.

Video analisys software

Step 7: Select the Camera to Use.

Indicate which camera you want to use for recording.

Video Replay

Step 8: Start Recording!

Click on the record button located in the lower left corner.

Video Replay software
 ping pong VAR

Step 9: Mark Important Moments.

During the recording, tag the relevant moments you want to highlight.

Video replay program
VAR tenis de mesa

Step 10: Stop Recording.

Once the recording is finished, click on the record button again and confirm the stop.

programa de  video replay
ping pong var

Step 11: Synchronize your video with your Skouting account.

If you want your video to be uploaded to your Skouting profile and channel, activate the synchronization option.


Step 12: Your Video on Skouting.

Your video will be available on your Skouting profile for editing or sharing.

Skoutinf web
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